Friday, December 12, 2008



As of 3 PM yesterday, I am done with school for 2008. You have no idea how relieved I am. This quarter really became a struggle for me this last month. It's been nonstop movement...always on the go. I am looking forward to catching up on much needed sleep. Seriously, my body needs a rest. I've abused it with numerous cans of red bull and several 5 hour shots. Combine that with bad eating habits...not good. So here's to the days of bumming it in your PJs, laying on the couch and eating full meals. I can't wait! Sometimes we all need a little retreat from the world. I think I need one right about now. Who knows if I'll actually get it?

So looking back at the year of 2008...I feel like it's been a year of redemption for a lot of us. Whether it was at the beginning of the year or happening just now, it seems to me like many people are making some sort of a "come-back". People are getting back into their "element". Or maybe I'm just looking too much into it...especially after watching 24 Redemption..haha. Well all I've got left to say is...winter break here I come!!!!! :D

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