Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I lack focus. I can't study!!! Its okay though, because i finished my first final and kicked its @$$!!!! Another final in about an hour (and I should be studying for it) then a take home final essay and one last final exam on thursday. Woo hoo!!

I'm thinking of switching jobs...to what...I don't know. I got some plans though and I'm making some moves. Nothing is definite yet.

I feel some big changes are coming on the horizon for this summer and the next school year/ Crosstraining season following it. As a good friend of mine says"It's all about CHOICES." Choices make us who we are and determine our successes/failures. Hopefully, I make the right ones. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf and CHOOSE to be more responsible and morally strong.

So Clinton is out of the race which makes me sad. I think I'm rooting for her to be VP, which I keep going back and forth on... I think that my first pick would make a great VP though...BILL RICHARDSON!! Obama/Richardson...yeah...that'd be a winning ticket right there. I still have some reservations over Obama...but it looks like I'll have to jump on the Obama bandwagon. I can't believe I'm blogging on politics...

So..personal life...I don't know. Life is a frenzy. Like I said earlier...choices. Another tough thing is dealing with other people's free will...their ignorance, pressure, stubbornness, self-centered attitudes and immaturity. It gets hard not to judge...but I know I shouldn't. Oh well. I think I'm trying to get over a spiritual dryness at the moment. Thus, the lack of motivation with certain things (such as schoolwork). Bleh...I gotta get out of this valley...

On a more positive note (for me anyways and other Laker haters) --- GO CELTICS!! hahahaa!

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