It's so can get so wrapped up in your own world, and your own concerns, and your own intentions (no matter how good they may be); but you can still overlook such a critical situation right in front of you...even after its been spelled out for you. Today I just learned a valuable lesson...don't underestimate the value of telling somebody you love them. No. Forget telling them- SHOW THEM.
Today I was wrapping my mind around things such as theological concepts, the state of the middle east, US foreign policy, schoolwork and my own faith life. Then it hit me - a situation that was brought to my attention had just escalated. This is what they call a "sleeper". That seemingly controlled issue that you briefly concern yourself with and then ease your mind about only to have it blow up to something worse. Could I have done more? Of course I could have.. Could I have shown more love? OF COURSE! You know...I always thought that I'd have to join the military, enter politics, be a priest, be rich or something to affect other lives positively. All of these dreams and aspirations and wondering about my future mean nothing when faced with the present. All of these will come later, but later is not guaranteed. So why waste time on "later"? I was just mentioning to a friend of mine that the Church and the Body of Christ in the Eucharist is a living body concerned with the PRESENT. The past is done with, the present is different and the future will handle itself. Therefore, the PRESENT is what we need to focus on. We don't need to wait for our future to come in order to do something great with our lives - it starts now. We are living now. STOP WAITING! And what can affect lives more so than love?
Love can save lives. If only I could love more. If only I was more of an example of that blind was I? How did I not concern myself more? Am I that naive? Or am I that insensitive/ inconsiderate/ self-absorbed? I hope its not too late. I hope I learn....learn to tell others that I love them. Not with words, but with my actions, my presence of mind, body, heart and soul. INVESTMENT!! I keep talking about how God's love is the accumulation of our divine relationship AND human relationship. How did I not practice what I preach? Did I really not grasp what I was saying until now? How easy it is to say or preach something as opposed to fully grasping that concept and living it. INVEST IN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS TODAY! If you call someone a "friend", BE THAT FRIEND! If you love someone, then LOVE THEM! NOW!!! THE MISSION IS URGENT BUT SO EASILY ACCOMPLISHED WITH LOVE! "Uncompromising Simplicity" right? That was what Jesus told me in adoration one did I forget?! Ugh...
To that person...and to all my friends, whether I've truly been a friend or not (and if not, I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart), I love you. YOU ARE LOVED! And I hope that I can learn to tell you that more...not with empty words, rhetoric, or even blog posts...but with MY LOVE IN ACTION.
Our Lady Queen of Angels...pray for us.